Agnes Jekyll's gift for friendship and organisational skills made her an excellent hostess. Helen Garlick reads three more extracts from Kitchen Essays, published in The Times in 1922, in which Lady Jekyll passes on 'some of the wit and wisdom of her clever and imaginative housekeeping'.
Of Wedding Breakfasts: Agnes Jekyll's essay on town and country weddings include a recipe for Iced Jelly,'suitable for any occasion when the guests are warm and the dishes cold'.
Home Thoughts of Florence and some Tuscan Recipes: Polenta au Gratin, the infinite variety of Risotto and a wonderful Mont Blanc served on a silver dish bring the warmth of Tuscany to grey English skies.
Thoughts of Venice from Home: Memories of a collazione under an imaged pergola are conjured up by Frito Misto and Zabaglione
Kitchen Essays is published by Persephone Books Ltd.
For more readings from Kitchen Essays Kitchen Essays by Agnes Jekyll